Tag Archives: pancakes

Banana Pancakes

What are you doing at 6:30AM? Sleeping? Getting ready for your day? I’m in the kitchen mushing bananas. So since we saw Paleo pancakes onĀ changeofpaceforme.com‘s Instagram…big spoon and I knew this was a must. I mush 1 banana with a fork in a bowl for every egg, (2 total for us). Sprinkle in some cinnamon and almond flour, mix til the consistency of batter and BAM…pancake mix. Melt some coconut oil on a pat on medium heat and cook evenly on each side. When flipping, somehow my inner Chinese tells me I have to use a combination of spatula and chopsticks…whatever works. We both like to melt almond butter and sprinkle coconut flakes on top of the pancakes.

This goes perfect with a couple of breakfast sausages and a cup of coffee…a meal that’ll give you energy to do anything in the morning, like carry a certain somebody’s ridiculously heavy backpack to school =). Apparently Podiatry school requires their students to take courses on bricks.

Here’s the masterpiece:


Banana Pancakes

– Lil Spoon

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